The unedited feelings of a new Acton parent

Dec 12, 2021
Apollo Way, Parenting, Resources

Laura Sandefer, co-founder of Acton Academy, recently published a blog post that shares the raw and honest feelings of a parent whose child is in a learner-driven school. It's powerful, real and worth the read. While there are so many advantages to a learner-driven school, we'd be remiss not to share the challenges that come with being a parent on this journey. We hope you see beyond the loneliness and insecurity that this parent describes, and instead, notice her growth-mindset and the comradery she's found in this community.⁠ WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!

If Laura's post intrigues you and the type of community Blake's mom describes is something you'd like your family to be a part of, then Apollo Academy might be a good fit. We invite you to learn more about us and our approach to education by scheduling an intro call here or by checking out our resources here.